8x 1300W/8Ohm, 8x 1400W/4Ohm
8x 1250W/70V/100V, weight 15,7 kg
The CKd™ 1208 provides 1,250 watts per channel in eight channels. Each amplifier channel will operate to rated power in direct 70-volt, 100-volt, 8-ohm or 4-ohm modes, configurable per channel.
CKd amplifiers are networkable through the Crest Audio NexSys® Nx Dante™-8 or Nx CobraNet® 8 interface modules or Peavey MediaMatrix® Nware™ via software programs for advanced control and audio routing. The Nx Dante-8 or CobraNet 8 module fits into the rear bay of CKd Series power amps and supports all NexSys functions, DSP functions and networked digital audio I/O via 1 Gigabit Ethernet connection.
A Control Voltage input is included on each channel to allow external gain control, while the Fault output on each channel allows the CKd power amps to be wired to other monitoring systems. In addition, users can conserve energy by disabling channels that are not in use.
The CKd Series includes Crest Audio’s exclusive ACL™ (Active Clip Limiting), which automatically reduces gain at the onset of clipping to prevent amplifier and loudspeaker damage, and IGM™ (Instantaneous Gain Modulation), which monitors load current to protect against overloading.